Record Property Solutions Ltd knows a thing or two about renting...
As a landlord, we know what it is like to feel like you are managing your properties yourself even though you pay a significant fee to an agent every month. A fee that eats into your profits. We wanted to break the mould, to do something different and to ensure that you the landlord feel that you were getting value for money and reliability in an uncertain world. We have designed a totally transparent fee structure that allows you to pay for exactly what you get and no more. You pick and mix the service you want with total flexibility. By reducing your costs as a landlord we can optimise the value of your investment.
We call it the ‘Record Way’.
As tenants, we feel strongly that all tenants deserve good customer service and we pride ourselves in our reliability and quick response times. Our aim is to work with both landlords and tenants to guide them through the process and to ensure a good working relationship. We also know that as a tenant you want a well maintained home, rented from a landlord that is sensitive to your needs and that problems are sorted quickly. You will therefore need to be supported by an agent that links landlord and tenant together to ensure that the landlord’s investment is protected and the tenant is secure in their home.
It’s not just about US its more about YOU.
We have taken our experiences from both sides of the equation, it seems an obvious solution but it allows us to ensure that
The tenant gets exceptional service...
Why not give us a call to see how the ‘Record Way’ could benefit you?
Our primary goal is to create a modern professional lettings & property management company.

Andy Brooker